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Society Statement
And Constitution

ISPCD Society Statement And Constitution

1. The Name

The name of the Society shall be International Society Of Preventive and Community Dentistry”

2. Head Quarters

The registered office shall be at, International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry” (ISPCD), G /5 Ashray tower, Ramdevnagar Road, Opp. Satellite Police Station, Ahmedabad - 380054

3. Objectives

  • To promote general and oral health among people all over the world and especially among developing countries.
  • To provide scientific guidance to the medical and dental fraternity, post-graduate students regarding the advancements in the field of medicine and dentistry with regard to all the preventive and curative treatment modalities.
  • To provide medical and dental health education programs for people and schools.
  • To create a national and international network of doctors and dentists from all the specialties.
  • To promote, assist or conduct research in the field of medical specialties, dental specialties & allied sciences.
  • To publish (print and/or online) articles, related to medicine, dentistry and its implication with health
  • To provide training and assistance to medical and dental postgraduates.
  • To organize conferences, seminars, symposiums and workshops in medicine, dentistry & allied sciences.
  • To get the ISPCD affiliated to other international organizations and establish International offices in future.
  • To focus on improve the quality of health-care service in country and all over world.

4. Membership

A) The membership of the ISPCD shall be open to:-

i) General dentists and all the branches of dental specialists.

ii) Eminent persons who may agree to be patrons or Hon. Members, at the request of the ISPCD, considering their Contribution to Dentistry.

B) The ISPCD shall have following categories of members

i) Hon. Members: - Honorary Membership can be given to Dedicated workers in the field dentistry and medicine. Executive Committee can decide on this and will recommend to General Body.

ii) Founder members : members at the time of formulation of association

iii) Members:- Undergraduates and Postgraduates in all the specialties and general dental practitioners.

iv) Executive committee Members: appointed by members

C) Due & Due Dates:-

i) Members take a Life membership by paying Rs.3000. or as decided by the General body from time to time

ii) Executive members shall pay a one time admission fee of Rs 1500 or as decided by the general body from time to time

iii) Student members shall pay 250Rs every year

iv) Dentists shall pay 900Rs every year

v) Founder members shall pay a one time admission fee of Rs 10,000

vi) International members shall pay $80 if they want journal in printed format and $50 only if they want journal online.

vii) Members from SAARC countries $40 All dues are payable to the ISPCD shall be paid to the Hon.Secretary/ Treasurer on or before 31st March every year. Membership fees and due dates will be changed as decided by General Body time to time.

6. Financial Year

The financial year of the ISPCD shall be from 1st April to 31st March.

7. Advisory Board

There shall be an Advisory Board led by the Chief Advisor, consisting of board of directors at the international and national level. The function of this board is to support and guide the ISPCD.

8. Office bearers of the ISPCD

The ISPCD shall have the following office bearers.

a) The President

b) Vice – President.

c) One Hon. Secretary.

d) One Hon. Jt. Secretary

e) One Editor for each Journal

f) One Hon. Treasurer/CDE convenor

9. Duties & Powers of the office

A. The President:-

a) The ISPCD shall have a president elected by its General Body for a term of five years in its annual meeting from members of the ISPCD.

b) He shall have supervision and control over the other office bearers of the ISPCD and its Executive Committee in the discharge of their respective duties and also over the working of the ISPCD in general.

c) He shall preside over the General Body and the Executive committee meetings of the ISPCD.

d) He shall have the powers to convene any meeting of the ISPCD,either the General Body or the Executive Committee or any subcommittee. On short notice (7 working days) under his signature. The secretary should be informed regarding this.

e) He shall have the powers to delegate any of his duties as the president to the Vice- Presidents.

B. The Vice – Presidents:-

a) The ISPCD shall have one Vice–President who shall be elected by the General Body for a term of five years in the annual meeting from among the members of the ISPCD.

b) In the absence of the President, one of the Vice–President as Designated by the President, or in his failure to do so, as Designated by the Executive Committee, shall be responsible to Carry out the routine responsibilities of the President.

C. Hon. Secretary:-

a) There shall be a Hon. Secretary for the ISPCD who shall be Elected by its General Body for a term of five years in its annual meetings from among the members of the ISPCD.

b) He shall be custodian of all records, and all movable and immovable properties of the ISPCD, and shall maintain an inventory of such properties if any.

c) He shall administer and execute all routine activities of the ISPCD with the assistance and cooperation of the other office bearers, and other members of the ISPCD when ever required.

d) He shall convene all meeting of the General Body and Executive Committee (on advice of the President.)

e) He shall record and maintain the minutes of all the meeting of the General Body and the Executive Committee, and present the same for approval in the next respective meeting.

f) He shall receive all the dues payable to the ISPCD and hand it over to Hon. Treasurer, to be deposited in the bank (preferably nationalized) in the name of the ISPCD.

g) He shall prepare and present the report of the activities of the ISPCD annually and present the same in the Executive Committee for approval, and present it at the Annual General Body meeting.

h) He shall execute all such other acts and perform all such other duties required to attain the objectives of the ISPCD and also execute special responsibilities if any assigned to him by the President, Executive Committee and / or the General Body of the ISPCD.

i) The secretary shall keep the ISPCD President informed of all the correspondence related to ISPCD.

j) The secretary will remain as office bearer for a period of five years.

D. Hon. Joint Secretary:-

a) There shall be joint secretary for the ISPCD who shall be elected by the General Body for a term of five years in its Annual meeting from among the founder members of the ISPCD.

b) In the absence of the Hon. Secretary he shall be responsible to carry out the routine activities of the ISPCD, either as authorized by the President/ Secretary or the Executive Committee or by the General Body.

E. Editor:-

a) There shall be an Editor for each journal of the ISPCD who shall be elected by its General Body in its annual meetings from among the members of the ISPCD and be a post graduate in any specialty /strong research background and publication credentials.

b) He shall receive all duties of ISPCD said to him directly or said through the Hon. Secretary

c) He shall take the responsibility of publishing a journal for the association. The journal should have articles related to the reviews and research articles related to scope of journal.

d) The fund for bringing out the journal should be obtained by the combined effort of the members as sponsorship from different corporate or from membership fees.

e) The fund obtained for the journal as advert should be remitted to the ISPCD account through the secretary and treasurer.

F) The Editor will remain as office bearer for a term of five years.

F. Hon. Treasurer :-

a) There shall be a Hon. Treasurer for the ISPCD who shall be Elected by its General Body for a term of five years in its annual meetings from among the members of the ISPCD

b) He shall receive all duties of ISPCD paid to him direct and paid through the Hon. Secretary.

c) He shall maintain the income and expenditure account of ISPCD.

d) He shall honor the bills and vouchers passed by the Hon. Secretary, related to expenditure incurred on behalf of the ISPCD, and make the payment.

e) He shall prepare the statement of accounts of the ISPCD annually and present the same before the Executive Committee after proper audit, to be submitted before the Annual General Body meeting for its approval.

G.Scientific Convenor

a) There shall be a Scientific Convenor for the ISPCD who shall be elected by its General Body in its annual meetings from among the members of the ISPCD.

b) He shall receive all duties of ISPCD paid to him through the Hon. Secretary

c) He shall take the responsibility of conducting scientific workshops for the association.

d) The fund for scientific workshops should be obtained by the combined effort of the members as sponsorship from different corporate or from membership fees.

e) The fund obtained for the scientific workshops should be remitted to the ISPCD account through the secretary and treasurer.

f) The scientific chairman will remain as office bearer for a term of five years.

10. Finances

a) All money received on behalf of the ISPCD shall be remitted in an account in a preferably nationalized bank as decided by the Executive Committee, in the name of the ISPCD.

b) The accounts of ISPCD shall be operated by any two of the following office bearers namely Hon. Secretary/President &Treasurer.

c) The Hon. Secretary shall be empowered to keep with him maximum amount of Rs.50,000/- at a time as imprested money to spend for the day to day administration.

11. The General Body: Constitution Duties And Powers

1. The General body of the ISPCD shall consist of:-

a) Founder members of ISPCD

b) Executive members of ISPCD

d) Student members of ISPCD

e) General members of ISPCD

2. Duties and Powers of the General Body:-

a) The General Body shall formulate policies regarding the working of the ISPCD in general, aimed at attaining the objectives of the ISPCD.

b) It shall elect the office – bearers and the members of the Executive Committee and board of directors for a period of Five years, in its annual meeting.

c) It shall have the powers to appoint committees or subcommittees for specific purposes and for specific periods.

d) It shall have the powers to delegate any of its powers or responsibilities to any or group of office bearers or committees or subcommittees constituted by it.

e) It shall have powers to call for the reports of such committee and to take appropriate action on such reports.

f) It shall have the powers to seek explanation from any of its members, office bearers of the members of the Executive Committee, on any of their actions in the respective capacities.

g) It shall have the powers to take disciplinary action on any of its members based on their actions that are found to be detrimental to the attainment of the objectives of the ISPCD

h) It shall consider the annual report of the activities of the ISPCD as presented by the Hon. Secretary on behalf of the Executive Committee.

i) It shall consider the annual audited statement of accounts presented by the Hon. Treasurer, as adopted by the Executive Committee.

j) It shall act as an appellate authority to hear and to take final decision on appeals if any received, on actions taken by the Executive Committee

k) The General Body shall be the supreme body of the ISPCD, to take any decision on any matter connected with the organization and execution of its duties and responsibilities; to explain and interpret any rule laid down in this constitution; or on any other point that is not covered by this constitution.

12. The Executive Committee: Constitutional Powers ands

1. The Executive committee shall consist of:-

a) The Office bearers of the ISPCD

b) Six members each from member with history of good standing member since starting of association. However it will be decided by general body from time to time.

c) The out–going President and the out-going Hon. Secretary shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee for a period of 5 years after relinquishing their office, and shall have the right to vote in that capacity.

d) The office bearers for the association for the next 10years will be selected from the founder members.

2. Powers and responsibilities:-

a) The Executive Committee shall be the Governing Body of the ISPCD, to execute the policies laid down by the General Body from time to time.

b) It shall have the powers to delegate specific responsibilities to any member or office – bearer, for specific periods.

c) It shall have the powers to accept or reject applications for membership of the ISPCD, in all categories subject to the rules laid down under this constitution. Enrollment in any category made by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the General Body in its next meeting for ratification.

d) It shall finalize and approve the annual report and audited statement of accounts before it is being presented before the General Body

e) It shall have the powers to fill up vacancies arising if any among the elected members of the Executive Committee, by co-opting from among the members of the ISPCD for the remaining period of the term.

f) It shall have the powers to take disciplinary action on any member of the ISPCD or its office bearer, subject to ratification by the General Body.

13. Term of office of the office bearer and member of the committee

THE PRESIDENT,the honorary Secretary, Treasurer shall be elected for a period of 5 years. The office bearers and the members of the Executive Committee ,Editor and the shall be elected for a period of 5 years. After one term the office bearer is eligible for reelection for another consecutive term for the same post. In case no members are willing to take up the post the executive committee has the right to appoint any executive member or the former office bearer to office for the consecutive term. Only regular members who have attended the last three annual general body,the board of directors and executive members with minimum 80 percent attendance are eligible for contesting for election for the post of office bearer and executive committee and higher post of ISPCD.

14. Meetings:

1. General Body Meeting

a) The General Body meeting of the ISPCD shall be held at least once in a year. Whenever annual conference is held the Annual General body will be held at the same venue and same time.

b) The General Body and conference will be held during the end of year and possibly in month of December.

c) Thirty days notice shall be served for the General Body meeting. However, special meetings of the General Body may be convened with fifteen days notice by the President under his own signature.

2. Executive Committee meeting:-

a) The Executive committee meeting will be held at least twice in a year

b) The Executive Committee shall meet prior to every General Body meeting at the same venue.

c) The executive Committee may meet any number of times as required to transact important business. Fifteen days notice shall be served for the meeting of the Executive Committee.

d) Emergency meeting of the Executive Committee may be convened at a short notice of seven days or less.

Note: All meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee shall normally be convened by the Hon. Secretary giving due notice except the emergency meetings which shall be convened by the President under his signature. If the Hon. Secretary fails to convene any meeting under instructions from the President, the President shall have the powers to convene such meetings of the General Body or the Executive Committee under his own signature.

15. Fellowships

will be offered to a member after 5 years with a one time payment of Rs.5000

16. Quorum

a) The quorum of the General Body meetings of the ISPCD shall be 1/4th, of which at least five shall be from the Executive Committee.

b) The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be five of which at least three shall be office bearers.

c) If there is no quorum for the meetings of the General Body or Executive Committee, the same shall stand adjourned of 15 minutes from the scheduled time. For all adjourned meetings those present shall constitute the quorum when the meetings reassemble after the stipulated period of adjournment.

17. Voting

a) Every founder member of 10 year regular member attending the meeting of the Executive Committee or the General Body, eligible to vote as per the constitution, shall have one vote, in that meeting.

b) The ex-officio members shall have the right to vote in the meeting of the Executive Committee for a period of three years.

d) The Chairman at any meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.

e) The Secretary will declare the Programme of election and will invite the nominations for the post of President and Secretary at least two months in advance prior to the annual conference, in which election are due. Nomination for President& Secretary shall be received by the secretary in office 30 days prior to the annual conference. If the Secretary fails to call for nominations, the General Body may elect the President and Secretary after calling for nominations during the annual conference in which elections are due.

18. Indemnity

Any member or an office–bearer of the ISPCD shall be indemnified of all liabilities which may occur during his normal discharge of duties in the respective capacity or in the discharge of any special duty assigned to him by the General Body or the Executive Committee or the President of the ISPCD, save those which are proved to have caused by his willful negligence. Disputes if any are subject to jurisdiction of the head office i.e. Secretary’s office.

19. Amendments

Amendments to this constitution can be made only by the General Body or executive committee of the ISPCD and the same shall stand amended only if such proposal for specific amendments is voted in its favour by two third of the members present and having voting right. Proposal if any, for such amendments, shall be circulated among the members of the ISPCD 30 days in advance, preferably along with the notice of the General Body or executive committee meeting or earlier, so that the members may be able to study the same.

20. Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the ISPCD at any time, all moveable and immovable properties and other assets owned by it,after clearing all it liabilities, shall be handed over to the Govt.of India or other association with similar objective with an understanding that the same shall be used for similar objectives as that of the ISPCD as envisaged in this constitution.

21. Declaration

his constitution of the ISPCD is adapted at the first Organizational meeting of the ISPCD held on 7th Jan, 2010 at G/5 Ashray tower, ramdevnagar road, satellite , Ahmedabad